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    Can Cashews Go Bad?

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    can cashews go bad

    Do you have a bag of cashews in your pantry that you’re not sure you can eat? Are you wondering how long cashews last before they go bad?

    If your cashews are crunchy and do not have any kind of mini insects or mold visible in them, then they are probably fit for eating.

    Can cashews go bad?

    Cashews can absolutely go bad like any other nuts or food with fat content. They can last weeks or months before they go bad, depending on how they are stored. If stored in the pantry, they may last for about a month and for 6 months in the refrigerator.

    In this blog post, we will answer all of your questions about can cashews go bad. We’ll tell you how to store them, how long they last, and what to do if they’ve gone bad.

    Stay tuned for our tips on keeping your cashews fresh for as long as possible!

    Shelf-life of Cashews

    Cashews can go bad whether they are in the fridge, at room temperature, or even in the freezer. The shelf life of cashews also depends on whether they are roasted, raw, or salted.


    Raw cashews that are stored in the pantry can last for about a month before they start to go bad. If you store them in an airtight container, they can last for up to one month.


    If you store raw cashews in the fridge, they can last for up to six months. If you store them in an airtight container, they can last for up to a year.

    Unopened Package

    If you have an unopened package of cashews, they can last for two years in the pantry and up to four years in the fridge.

    Opened Package

    Once you open a package of cashews, they can last for one month in the pantry and up to six months in the fridge.

    LEARN MORE: Can Carrot Go Bad?

    Reasons for Cashews to Go Bad

    Rancidity in nuts is caused by the oxidation of the oil molecules in nuts, which results in peculiar smells and fragrances. There are a few reasons why cashews can go bad.

    • The most common reason for cashews going bad is improper storage. Cashews should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
    • If the cashews are exposed to oxygen, they can start to turn rancid.
    • Exposure to light. 
    • Exposure to heat
    • If the cashews are soaked in water for too long, they can grow mold.

    LEARN MORE: Can Butter Go Bad?

    Can Salted Cashews Go Bad?

    Yes, salted cashews can go bad. The salt can make the cashews last longer, but it will not prevent them from going bad.

    The shelf life of salted cashews is the same as the shelf life of unsalted cashews. Salted cashews can last for one month in the pantry and up to six months in the fridge.

    Signs Your Cashew Has Gone Bad

    There are a few signs that your cashews have gone bad.

    • The cashews are soft or mushy.
    • The cashews have dark spots or mold on them.
    • The cashews have an off odor.
    • The cashews taste sour or bitter.
    • Look for signs of insects in your cashews.
    • Dried out kernels.
    • Discolored cashews.

    Can Cashews Be Infested With Insects?

    Cashews can be infested with insects, but this is not common. If you see small insects in your cashews, throw them away.

    The most common type of insect that can infest cashews is the weevil. The weevil is a small, brown beetle that can be found in food products such as flour, cereal, and nuts.

    The weevil can get into cashews through the packaging. The weevil can also enter the cashew through small holes in the nut.

    Do Soaked Cashews Go Bad?

    Yes, soaked cashews can go bad. If you soak cashews in water for too long, they can start to grow mold.

    Soaked cashews can last for two days in the fridge. After two days, they should be thrown away. Be sure to check your soaked cashews regularly and do not let them soak for more than two days.

    Mold thrives owing to oxygen and moisture, according to Moldpedia, an online mold encyclopedia. As a result, unless you freeze or refrigerate your cashews, mold is more prone to form in humid environments.

    What Happens if You Have Cashews That Have Gone Bad?

    If you have cashews that have gone bad, the best thing to do is to throw them away. If you eat bad cashews, you can experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    In rare situations, consuming rancid or tainted nuts might cause immediate deterioration of symptoms.

    If you have severe bloody vomiting or diarrhea, acute pain or stomach cramps, a fever over 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit, difficulty speaking or swallowing, double vision, or muscle weakness that travels from the top to the bottom of your body, seek immediate help.

    If you’re dehydrated, drink plenty of water or sports drinks to rehydrate.

    Bad cashews can also cause food poisoning. If you think you may have eaten bad cashews, see a doctor right away.

    Storing Cashews

    Proper storage is key to preserving the cashews for longer. The best ways to store cashews are:

    • The best way to store cashews is in an airtight container.
    • Cashews can also be stored in a zip-top bag.
    • Keep them in a dry, dark, and cool place.

    Tips for Storing Cashews

    Here are a few tips for storing cashews:

    • Do not store cashews in the sun.
    • Keep cashews away from heat, moisture, and humidity.
    • Cashews should be stored in an airtight container.
    • To keep track of the duration, label the containers with the date of storage.
    • Consume them within 30 days of buying for getting the best flavor.

    What Can Be Done With Stale Cashews?

    If your cashews have gone stale, there are a few things you can do with them.

    • You can use them in baking.
    • You can make cashew butter.
    • You can add them to smoothies or soups.
    • You can use them as a topping for salads or oatmeal.
    • Stale cashews can also be used in savory dishes.


    Cashews are a healthy and delicious snack that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. However, it’s important to know that cashews can go bad and should be stored properly to ensure they remain fresh.

    Cashews can go bad whether they are raw, roasted, or salted. The shelf life of cashews also depends on whether they are in the pantry, fridge, or freezer.

    If you see signs of bad cashews, such as mold or insects, be sure to throw them away. With proper storage, cashews can last for up to six months in the fridge. Enjoy your cashews while they are fresh and delicious!

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