Dishwasher tablets promise a lot when it comes to cleaning dirty dishes and pots. Quality dishwasher tablets do deliver all those promises but the safety of dishwasher tablets is still in question. Are dishwasher tablets flammable? Should I stop using dishwasher tablets? It’s normal to have such questions in mind.
Yes, dishwasher tablets can get flammable depending on the ingredients in them. Most of the cheaply made dishwasher tablets do have harmful and flammable ingredients. Dishwasher tablets having Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) can be flammable and explosive. So, it’s better to take precautions while using them in the dishwasher.
You must have heard some scary and upsetting stories about dishwasher tablets or something horror might have happened to you. So, it’s mandatory to know about the ingredients of dishwasher tablets. Dishwasher tablets are, for sure, great for cleaning the dishes but are they safe to use? Are dishwasher tablets harmful?
Let’s clear all your suspicions about dishwasher tablets. After reading this blog post, you’ll have all the required information about safety dishwasher tablets.
Are Dishwasher Tablets Harmful?
The straightforward answer is yes, dishwasher tablets are harmful because of some harmful and toxic components. This section will let you know about reasons why dishwasher tablets are harmful.
1. Toxicity
Dishwasher tablets can get toxic to health if consumed mistakenly. Such tablets can lead to death if not getting medical treatment in time.
Also, toxic chemicals especially VOCs can release fatal fumes when in contact with hot or cold water. These dangerous particles or fumes can be inhaled and can cause lung disease. Furthermore, nowadays, dishwasher tablets come with a fragrance so you can’t notice the presence of these toxic fumes.
2. Allergies
The toxic chemicals of dishwasher tablets can cause allergies in sensitive people. In addition to that, asthmatic people can get serious attacks after inhaling VOCs, fumes, or particles. So, it is suggested to avoid dishwasher tablets with harmful chemicals if you have any kind of allergies.
3. Flammability
The main concern about dishwasher tablets is their flammable character. The flammability depends on the quality of the dishwasher tablets. You better go for a high-quality tablet if you want to avoid such an unwanted situation.
Tips to Use and Store Dishwasher Tablets Safely
It’s great to use dishwasher tablets but you must use them with precautions to ensure your safety. Let’s get into a few tips that will keep you safe while using dishwasher tablets.
- Don’t use more tablets than recommended in the instruction manual. Using a low quantity of tablets will make them less harmful.
- Most importantly, don’t ever let your children consume dishwasher tablets. Keep these tablets out of children’s reach.
- It would be a great idea to have an air purifier in your house to minimize the chance of inhaling harmful particles.
- Natural dishwashers are safer as compared to chemically made dishwashers. So, go for the safer option if you can.
In a nutshell, use high-quality and less toxic dishwasher tablets to keep your family and yourself safe. Volatile Organic Compounds can affect your health and even cause fatality to allergic people. Furthermore, you have to be careful while selecting a dishwasher tablet and go for a safer option.
So, are dishwasher tablets flammable? Yes, low-quality and cheap ingredients in dishwasher tablets can catch fire. It’s always better to take some precautions before using dishwasher tablets in your kitchen.