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    Can You Microwave Artichokes?

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    Can You Microwave Artichokes?

    What happens when you see fresh artichokes in the market? You think it can be a delightful and healthy meal to serve your family and guests. And it will be great if you get to cook artichokes in the microwave easily and quickly.

    But can you microwave Artichokes?
    Yes, you can. Microwaving artichokes is the perfect way to cook them faster without losing any of their nutrients. You can microwave artichokes whole or in halves. If you’re microwaving whole artichokes, make sure to add water to the bottom of the dish, so they don’t dry out.

    You don’t have to worry about boiling artichokes for the perfect amount of time or over-cooking them in the microwave. But you have to be careful not to under-cook them, or they will be tough.

    Most people face problems because they don’t know how to cook artichokes in the microwave.

    We will discuss what happens when you microwave artichokes, the perfect way to microwave the artichokes, and tips on microwaving artichokes.

    Preparing the Artichokes Before Microwaving Them

    An artichoke is a type of vegetable with a thistle-like head and a fibrous stem. The edible part of the artichoke is the flower bud, which is boiled or steamed before being eaten. People also eat the steam and the leaves.

    It is essential that you prepare the artichokes before microwaving them. It will ensure that the artichokes cook evenly and come out properly. You need to do a few things to prepare the artichokes for microwaving.

    • First, you need to cut off the top of the artichoke, leaving about 1/2 inch. Then, remove the stem of the artichoke around 1/2 inch. You can use the stem for cooking as they are edible.
    • Once you have cut off the top and the stem of the artichoke, you need to start removing the leaves. You can do this by pulling them off one at a time. Be sure to remove the leaves from the center of the artichoke first, as these are the toughest. The leaves on the outside are usually more tender and can be eaten.
    • Remove the outer layer of the artichoke in this stage because the outer layer can be tough and will not cook properly in the microwave.
    • After you have cut off the stem and the thorny leaves at the top you have to cut the artichoke in half so that it can fit in the microwave.
    • Finally, you need to remove the fuzzy choke from the center of the artichoke. The choke is the part of the artichoke that’s inedible, so you need to remove it before cooking. To do this, use a spoon or a knife and scoop out the fuzziness until you’re left with only the stem and leaves.
    • Next, rinse the artichokes with water to remove any dirt or residue.

    Now that they’re ready, you may put them in the microwave.

    The Cooking Process of Artichokes in the Microwave

    Cooking artichokes in the microwave is a great way to save time and effort. The process of cooking artichokes in the microwave is simple.

    • Brush the exposed surfaces with lemon juice after cutting and washing. If you are cooking more than one artichoke, place it on a microwavable plate in a single layer.
    • After placing it in a microwave-safe dish, fill the dish with water to submerge the top inch of the artichoke.
    • The time may differ depending on the size of the artichokes. But, you can go for 10 minutes or until it is soft. Check if the heart is tender when pierced with a fork.

    Once it is cooked, you can eat it with a dipping sauce. Soak some roasted minced garlic in lemon or lime juice and stir it in with melted unsalted butter, shake in a little smoked paprika, and you have the perfect dipping sauce.

    Some Tips on Microwaving Artichokes

    Microwaving artichokes can be a little tricky, but if done correctly, they can turn out perfectly. Here are a few tips to help you out:

    • When selecting artichokes for cooking, Choose globe artichokes, which are green, spherical, and large that weigh about 1 pound each. It’s better if they are raw or fresh rather than pre-cooked or canned.
    • Use fresh lemon juice. Fresh lemon juice helps retain the color of the artichokes and prevents them from getting brown.
    • Do not overcook the artichokes. Overcooked artichokes will be mushy, and no one wants that.
    • If the artichokes are not cooked, keep them in the microwave for an extra one minute.
    • The cooking time depends on the size of the artichoke and the wattage of the microwave. But if you are cooking more than 1 artichoke at a time, it may take 13 to 15 minutes.

    By following these steps, you can cook delicious and perfectly Microwaved Artichokes.

    Cooking Stuffed Artichokes in the Microwave

    You can try different recipes for artichokes in the microwave. One that’s popular is stuffed ones, where you stuff them with your favorite ingredients and cook them like an oven-baked dish! What you need to stuff artichokes are as follows:


    • After cutting the stem and trimming the leaves, place artichokes in a plastic bag, twist the end to close the bag, and pierce the bag.
    • Microwave for 14-16 minutes on high. In this phase, you have to turn the dish two times and cover it for 3 minutes.
    • Now saute the onions and garlic in the melted butter. Mix with parsley, bread crumbs, and cheese. Fill each artichoke leaf with a bread crumb mixture, starting at the bottom.
    • When ready to serve, microwave for 4 minutes on high.


    Microwaving artichokes is a great way to cook them if you’re in a hurry or don’t have an oven. The key is to make sure they’re not too wet and that you prick them so the steam can escape.

    If you want to microwave artichokes but don’t want to wait around for them to cook, you can pre-cook them in boiling water for a few minutes before putting them in the microwave.

    We hope this article helps you decide whether or not you should start to cook artichokes in the microwave.

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