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    7 Delicious Boursin Cheese Substitutes (With Same Creamy Texture)

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    delicious boursin cheese substitutes

    Cheese is one ingredient that can change a meal from ordinary to delectable. Knowing which cheese to pair with your meals makes the entire meal-making process easier and enjoyable. Knowing the right flavors and textures also goes a long way. 

    Boursin cheese is one such cheese that gives you the most out of your meals. Its texture and creaminess of it make it a great choice when you want to create a spectacular dish. When you

    can’t find Boursin cheese, you should still know how to make perfect meals with these delicious Boursin cheese substitutes. 

    What Is Boursin Cheese? 

    Boursin cheese is a French brand cheese made from cow’s milk and cream with different flavors. It mainly includes garlic and herb flavors. It’s a rich cheese that’s soft and with a texture that’s similar to your cream cheese. 

    What makes Boursin cheese a popular choice is that it’s light, spreadable, and melts into any dish you make. You can bake and cook with it as well. But, sometimes you might not find Boursin cheese due to supply issues. 

    When this happens, you should have an adequate Boursin cheese substitute to make the most out of your dishes. Having other cheese on standby when you want to make the most out of your meals is essential. 

    7 Boursin Cheese Substitutes

    Cottage Cheese

    Cottage Cheese

    Sometimes, you want a healthier option when you’re choosing your cheese. Cottage cheese is a great choice and a healthier substitute for any creamy alternative.

    It’s much lower in calories and tastes great when paired with salads and dips. 

    The texture and flavor are slightly different from what you’re used to with Boursin cheese, but when added to other dishes, it provides the creaminess that you’re looking for. On the other hand, it’s a great source of calcium which is excellent for your bone health. 

    Mascarpone Cheese

    Mascarpone Cheese

    When you’re busy cooking, mascarpone makes an excellent substitute for Boursin cheese. It works really well with desserts such as tiramisu.

    You can add a dollop for sauces, soups, to stuff chicken, and even in your scrambled eggs. While the flavor and consistency aren’t an exact match for your two cheeses, mascarpone gives you a taste of luxury as it enhances your meals.

    It’s softer, creamier, and comes from Italy. It’s a decadently rich substitute that’s sourer than Boursin. 

    Chèvre Cheese 

    Chèvre Cheese

    Did you know that goats were the first animals to be domesticated to produce food? Chèvre is a French name for goat’s cheese.

    This cheese makes an excellent substitute for Boursin because it’s creamy, rich, and easily spreadable. You can find goat cheese with various flavors like herbs, garlic, and pepper.

    Although it’s buttery and flavorsome, the taste of goat’s cheese can take some getting used to when you’re used to cheese made from cow’s milk. This is why it’s recommended that you have it with a French baguette and some champagne. 

    Neufchâtel Cheese

    Neufchâtel Cheese

    It’s so easy to confuse this cheese when it’s aged with brie and camembert cheese because of the rind it develops. But it looks more like cream cheese when it hasn’t aged much.

    There are two versions of this delicious cheese. In Normandy, it’s made with only cow’s milk and no cream, yet, the American version is packed with cream and milk.

    It makes an excellent substitute for Boursin cheese because of the similar flavors. If you run out of Boursin, you can use this great substitute because it also offers incredible consistency and richness. 

    Gorgonzola Dolce Cheese

    gorgonzola dolce cheese

    The great thing about Boursin cheese is that it makes a lovely addition to different dishes. This is a buttery and soft cheese known for its blue color.

    Even though gorgonzola is a rich cheese, its flavor profile remains milder and creamier for the Italian dolce version. It’s not an easy cheese to spread in comparison to Boursin.

    It makes a difference when you add it to your salads and cheese platters. Its delicious flavor is suitable for you when you need to bite into a saltier cheese to snack on. 

    Cream Cheese

    Cream Cheese

    Cream cheese is a versatile option that has been adopted by various brands. This soft cheese makes an excellent spread, and it tastes even better than most spreadable cheeses out there.

    This cheese is similar to Boursin in texture and melts easily into most of your dishes. 

    It’s best to go for a flavored and herby version of cream cheese to get a close similarity to Boursin cheese. Cream cheese is luscious enough to turn any food into an extraordinary meal. 

    Quark Cheese

    Quark Cheese

    If you feel like cream cheese is a tad heavier than you prefer, you should consider giving quark cheese a try. It’s made from a combination of buttermilk and heavy cream.

    The taste is a cross between mild, plain yogurt and cream cheese. And, it’s excellent if you don’t like cottage cheese but want to watch your calories.

    The herbs, garlic, and chives that are chopped into it give you the impression that you’re enjoying Boursin cheese. Quark is a very versatile cheese that you can use in both savory dishes and your desserts. 


    There you have it, the delicious Boursin cheese substitutes. However, these are all substitutes but do not exactly have the same flavor except for the cream cheese.

    Cream cheese and the Boursin cheese are similar in taste and have the same texture. So, you can use the cream cheese without any issues.

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