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    Does Oreos Expire - How to Know if Your Oreos Is Expired

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    does oreos expire how to know if your oreos is expired

    Oreos are very tasty, and oftentimes it’s easy to want to store them for a bit longer, so you can relish them from time to time. However, you should eat your Oreos as soon as possible since it tastes a lot fresher and more creamy. 

    You may be wondering, Does Oreos expire? Well, the answer is yes. Oreos expire or go bad once they’ve surpassed their best-before date or have been left open for a long time without consuming.

    While this is perfectly normal since every food expires or gets bad at some point, your Oreos are still safe to consume a month or two after the best-before date. 

    In addition, there’s a high possibility of your Oreos getting expired or bad a lot quicker if they have not been stored properly. 

    How Long Do Oreos Last? (Packed and Opened)

    Oreos are, without a doubt, one of the most popular packaged cookies sold all over the world.

    It is often eaten alone or along with a dessert, so it’s quite normal to have the package open from time to time. Usually, Oreos can last for as long as nine to twelve months after production. 

    Oreos often last between three-six weeks after the best before date must have elapsed. After a month or two after expiration, the Oreos will start to have a weird feel and stale taste.

    That’s your cue to know that your Oreos are bad and are no longer safe to consume. 

    There is usually no hard or fast way to know how long Oreos last. They can go for weeks, sometimes even months, before tasting stale when stored properly. 

    How Long Do Unopened Oreos Last?

    If you’re worried about your packed Oreos being expired, you simply have to open the package and check the cookies for any signs of expiration. Other than that, unopened cookies can last up to two months after the best before date. 

    How Long Does Open Oreos Last?

    Open Oreos do not last as long as packed Oreos. These will only last for as long as a week or two, after which they will taste stale.

    This happens because open Oreos are often exposed to air, which quickens spoilage. Oreos will also get bad in hours or a day if they’ve been served with milk or any other dessert. 

    Will Oreos Get Expired Quickly if Left Unopened?

    Your pack of unopened Oreos will not expire quickly as long as they’ve been left unopened. Unopened Oreos can last up to two months and is consumable after the expiration date has elapsed.

    However, you may need to check to see if the cookies are bad or not, especially if they were not stored properly. If stored in a wet place, there’s a chance that the cookies may feel moldy or taste stale.

    To ensure that your Oreos remain in great condition even though they have expired, keep them in a dry area that isn’t exposed to heat. 

    How to Tell if Your Oreos Is Expired

    It’s quite easy to tell if your Oreos have expired. As with any food, you can easily tell if they’re bad based on its appearance, feel smell, and taste. 


    One way to know if your Oreos are expired is if it has a weird, moldy look or even a slight discoloration. Once you notice these, it’s time to discard those cookies. 


    If you feel your cookies and they’re quite soggy, soft, or crumbly, it may be a sign that your cookie is spoiled. When touched, they start to leave powdery residue and break easily. 


    If your Oreos have a weird, distinctive smell that doesn’t smell great or consumable, you should throw them away. If it has a floury smell, it may be getting bad. 


    The best way to know when your Oreos are bad is through their taste. If your Oreos don’t taste fresh, there’s no point eating them even though they’re relatively safe to consume. 

    Is Expired Oreos Safe to Eat?

    It is safe to eat expired Oreos. Oreos are often still fresh and safe to eat one to two months after expiration. That’s not to overlook the fact that expired Oreos may have bacterial growth or be exposed to contaminants, especially if they’ve been opened.

    It is very rare for anyone to fall sick from eating expired Oreos. However, if you have any food allergies, consuming expired Oreos may not be wise. 

    How to Store Oreos Properly

    how to store oreos properly

    The best way to store Oreos is to keep them in a cool, dry area and one that is not close to stuffy, hot places. If your Oreos are unopened, you don’t necessarily need to do much to store them.

    You can simply store them in your kitchen cabinet along with other beverages and snacks. Once opened, Oreos are exposed to air, and it is usually easier for those to get spoiled. 

    If your Oreos have been opened, you’d need to make sure the cookies are well sealed in an airtight container. This reduces the cookie’s exposure to air and the spoilage process.

    Fortunately, Oreos now come in resealable packages, so it is easier to store them as long as they’re adequately resealed. 


    If you’ve always wondered if Oreos expires, you must have learned that they do. However, the degradation rate varies depending on whether they’re unopened or open.

    Usually, open Oreos do not last as long, and it is often easy to tell if they’ve gone bad. Although all food will eventually get bad, you can save your Oreos from going bad easily if you store them properly.

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