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    Why Are Toaster Cords So Short? Everything You Need to Know

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    Toaster Cords

    A lot of people have asked why are toaster cords so short. Perhaps, you have concluded that the manufacturers just want to annoy you. However, this isn’t true.

    Toaster cords are so short because, by design, shorter cords provide the right power this device needs to function optimally. They also prevent frequent drops in voltage and eliminate the usual issues you see with longer, thinner cords.

    Find out how these short toaster oven cords help you and if you can use an extension cord to make things easier.

    Other Reasons Your Toaster Cord is Short

    Here are the other reasons toaster cords are short:


    The first reason is that your toaster is designed to sit neatly on the countertop and not stick out like a sore thumb. Thus, there is really no need for a longer cord. A long, bulky cord will look out of place and may require you to tie it to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

    Fire Hazard

    The other reason is that longer cords pose a safety concern as they can easily get tangled up. There’s also the fact that longer cords are more difficult to handle and may end up rubbing up against another electrical appliance. The friction can result in a fire outbreak.


    Shorter cords are easier to manage and won’t get in your way. You don’t want to waste precious time fiddling with the long cord each time you need to use the toaster oven. Toasters with shorter cords are also easier to move around.

    Benefits of Short Toaster Cords

    Shorter toaster cords look better on your countertops. No one likes the sight of several wires sticking out from everywhere or being forced to clip some wires. There’s also the matter of tripping.

    If you have kids, then you know that they trip over everything. But toasters with their short cords reduce the chances of your kid tripping over a long wire and hurting themselves.

    Can I Plug My Toaster into an Extension Cord?

    Yes, you can use your toaster with an extension cord. However, this is not a recommended practice because it increases the risk of a fire outbreak. There’s also the fact that you could trip over the wire if it is placed wrongly.

    Ensure that the extension cord you use is designated “appliance type.” That way, you are sure that it can carry the voltage of the toaster. We also recommend unplugging the toaster from the extension cord when it is not in use.


    Toaster cords are short to ensure the right power is delivered to the appliance and reduce the risk of fire outbreak. So, the manufacturers actually have your safety in mind and are not just out to annoy you.

    If the short cord is so much of a bother to you, then you can plug your toaster into an extension cord. However, there are certain safety measures you must take. We have treated this in our other article.

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